
A New Look for Themify!

A New Look for Themify!

The new year brings about many changes, resolutions, and promises to be kept. We make strides to improve ourselves and have better years than the previous ones. At Themify, we feel this need to improve constantly, and the new year does just that.

After three years since launch, we have redesigned Themify from the ground up.

This redesign reflects the many learnings that we have picked up along the way, as well as the growth and improvement that Themify has accomplished in the three years of its existence. Colours are bright and vibrant, content is front and centre, and our design reflects our interpretation of the current and future trends in web design.

To celebrate our new design, we are offering 20% off any purchase with Themify! Simply use the code REDESIGN during checkout! Coupon expires on Jan 29, 2014.

We are incredibly proud of our new design, and we hope you like it. Let us know about your thoughts and comments on our new design!


  1. Gary
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 05:05

    Love the new look, especially the changing background colours.


  2. P.K.Arun
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 06:50

    Awesome design, I love the font and color used here. I wish to see similar design themes in upcoming themes.

    Rating: 5/5


  3. Anne-Marie
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 12:19

    Very nice, crisp and it!


  4. Rick
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 21:25

    Looks great! The footer changing colors is a nice touch.


  5. Amy
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 00:24

    Very nicely done. Elegant and engaging.

    Love the background – slow morphing color. Would love theme skins with that option. (Hint)


  6. Ryan
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 03:15

    I like it, very modern.


  7. Sunil
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 07:13

    Simply awesome, looks cool… specially follow us widget in sidebar. Hopefully we will get it in themes released in future :)


  8. Dhiraj Das
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 11:15

    Themify Celebrates New, clean and user friendly


  9. ugur
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 12:08

    wow very good theme


  10. Peter
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 14:00

    Awesome! A clean and elegant layout and look. Cool feature with the changing backgrounds. Great work.


  11. Chris
    Jan 25, 2014 @ 01:56

    Awesome new look… when can we have that theme!!!??

    I love it!


  12. Nick La
    Jan 25, 2014 @ 03:37

    Thanks for the kind words. Sorry, don’t think we will release this design as a Themify theme. We will continue to bring the same quality of design to our themes.


  13. bb
    Jan 26, 2014 @ 16:33

    Hi themify, I love your new look and the flat designs do the trick! Cheers!


  14. Marije Nie
    Jan 26, 2014 @ 21:34

    Hi, I must say I like the Themify homepage theme most of all your themes..
    Is it possible to build something similar based on your public themes?
    and how to make the changing color footer?
    Best regards,


  15. Amrut Athavale
    Jan 28, 2014 @ 07:29

    I want this as a theme… It is so awesome!!! Just loved it….


  16. Davide Furlotti
    Jan 29, 2014 @ 15:45

    Very “themify” the new look.

    Very nice soft effect of the fixed menu at the top.
    Would be just fine even in the Flat, in Magazine, etc ;)


  17. Gabriele
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 18:12

    The only thing I don’t like is the growing-shrinking Themify logo on the top bar; that effect is a bit annoying after you see it several times a day…


  18. Manish khatri
    May 16, 2014 @ 10:56

    Awesome new look


  19. Mithun
    Nov 17, 2014 @ 03:21

    Minimalist design is said to grab more sales and leads. I believe 3 out of every 10 blogs is adapting this web design trend. Happy to see that your new look is easy to navigate and amazingly fast.
    Best of luck to you guys :) Cheers.


  20. Nitish Singh
    Feb 06, 2015 @ 12:15

    Themify themes are one of the best themes out there!


    • Kurt Uy
      Feb 06, 2015 @ 16:15

      Thanks for the positive feedback :)


  21. agathachristy
    Jun 15, 2015 @ 12:39

    cool, chance less design, it is quite interesting to watch this page.


  22. Nitish Singh
    Aug 07, 2015 @ 21:35

    That’s amazing design. Keep up the good work guys. :)

