
New Sticky Sidebar Feature

New Sticky Sidebar Feature

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We’ve got a new feature to improve upon our Shoppe and Ultra themes! The new sticky sidebar feature is here to provide all your customers a better shopping experience. You can now have your product filter stick on the sidebar so that users can select, filter, and accurately narrow their product search on the fly.

Themify Ultra Theme Shoppe Theme Sticky Sidebar Feature

Previously, the product filter used to be on the bottom of the screen, requiring customers to scroll all the way down in order to narrow or widen their search. Now users can select or deselect filters in the sidebar, or they can pop the sidebar in or out on mobile mode. All you have to do is update your Ultra or Shoppe theme to the latest versions and enable the sticky side bar feature to start using it.

We hope you enjoy this little update and take the Sticky Sidebar demo for a spin. We’re working on bringing you more new and exciting things, even after our great, big update to our lightning fast Builder! Please see what we’ve updated to get caught up.


  1. duranduran
    Jun 22, 2019 @ 14:07

    No documentation yet?


  2. Mark Littler
    Jun 24, 2019 @ 19:00

    Hi, is it possible to make a Widgetised sidebar sticky?


    • Csaba @ Themify
      Jun 25, 2019 @ 16:08

      Hi Mark,

      Yes, it is possible, the Sticky Sidebar feature makes the widgetized sidebar sticky.


  3. Mark Littler
    Jun 25, 2019 @ 19:24

    Can you show me how? I have tried and cannot get it to be sticky.


  4. Mark Littler
    Jun 27, 2019 @ 20:06

    Hi – I note this – but I was asking about making a widgetised sidebar sticky and I can’t seem to make it work.


  5. Csaba @ Themify
    Jun 27, 2019 @ 20:09

    Hi Mark,

    Sorry, but I am not sure to which other sidebar you are referring to by “Widgetised Sidebar”, could you send us a link to your website, to the page where you have the “widgetised sidebar”?


  6. Mark Littler
    Jun 27, 2019 @ 20:36


    I am refering to making a Widgetised area and inserting a sidebar – like this:


  7. Kamil
    May 26, 2021 @ 01:14


    how to do popped sidebar also on tablet mode?

