PhotoTouch Changelogs
You may view the latest changelogs here:
Version 1.4.3 (Oct 13, 2014)
- Regenerated sample content
- Upgraded to framework 1.2.0
Version 1.4.2 (Sep 29, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.9.7
Version 1.4.1 (Sep 23, 2014)
- Added custom page Menu and Builder Row scrollTo/Highlight options
- Upgraded to framework 1.9.5
Version 1.4.0 (Sep 4, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.9.2
Version 1.3.9 (Aug 18, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.9.0
Version 1.3.8 (Jul 22, 2014)
- Fix: Unable to add Builder Modules
- Fix: Various theme styling issues with respect Themify Builder styling
- Upgraded to framework 1.8.8
Version 1.3.7 (Jul 15, 2014)
- Regenerated Sample Content
- Upgraded to framework 1.8.6
Version 1.3.6 (Jul 9, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.8.4
Version 1.3.5 (Jul 6, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.8.3
Version 1.3.4 (Apr 23, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.7.8
Version 1.3.3 (Apr 17, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.7.6
Version 1.3.2 (Apr 9, 2014)
- Fix: Grid layouts issues on multiple grids
- Upgraded to framework 1.7.5
Files updated
- style.css
- /themify/
Version 1.3.1 (Apr 2, 2014)
- Fix: Posts loop file markup braking layout
Files updated
- style.css
- includes/loop*.php
Version 1.3.0 (Apr 1, 2014)
- Added: Post/Page Content Fullwidth option
- Added: Footer Navigation style options
- Added: Archive Title on archive pages
- Added: microdata markup
- Archived sample content .xml file
- Removed: HTML5 placeholder fallback script
- Upgraded to framework 1.7.4
Files updated
- style.css
- index.php
- header.php
- page.php
- theme-functions.php
- theme-config.php
- includes/loop*.php
- js/themify.script.js
Files added
- sample-content.gz
Files removed
- sample-content.xml
Version 1.2.9 (Feb 17, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.6.9
Files Updated
- style.css
- /themify/
Version 1.2.8 (Feb 17, 2014)
- Updated theme version to latest
Files Updated
- style.css
Version 1.2.7 (Feb 7, 2014)
- Replaced lightbox plugin with Magnific Popup
- Added: Social Icons font icon option
- Upgraded to framework 1.6.8
Files Updated
- style.css
- index.php>
- header.php
- theme-functions.php
- theme-modules.php
- js/themify.script.js
Version 1.2.6 (Jan 21, 2014)
- Fix: Auto Featured Image option doesn't save setting
Files Updated
- style.css
- theme-functions.php
Version 1.2.5 (Jan 13, 2014)
- Upgraded to framework 1.6.7
Files updated
- style.css
- /themify/
Version 1.2.4 (Nov 18, 2013)
- Fix: Single attachment page issue when Display Content option is set to Excerpt or None
- Upgraded to framework 1.6.3
Files updated
- style.css
- includes/loop.php
- /themify/
Version 1.2.3 (Oct 30, 2013)
- Added post option Post Video
Files updated
- style.css
- theme-functions.php
- includes/loop.php
Version 1.2.2 (Oct 24, 2013)
- Replaced all gradient images with CSS gradients
- Upgraded to framework 1.5.9
Files updated
- style.css
- /themify/
Files removed
- images/top-bar.png
- images/slider-caption-bg.png
- images/footerwrap-bg.png
Version 1.2.1 (Sep 26, 2013)
- Fix: Order and Orderby parameters output
- Updated sample-content.xml
- Upgraded to framework 1.5.6
Files updated
- style.css
- theme-options.php
- theme-modules.php
- sample-content.xml
- /themify/
Version 1.2.0 (Aug 9, 2013)
- Custom Panel tabs use ID instead of Name
- Upgraded to framework 1.4.9
Files updated
- style.css
- theme-functions.php
- /themify/
Version 1.1.9 (Aug 6, 2013)
- Fixed video embed parameter
- Upgraded to framework 1.4.8
Files updated
- style.css
- /themify/
Version 1.1.8 (Jul 31, 2013)
- Upgraded to framework 1.4.7
Files updated
- style.css
- /themify/
Version 1.1.7 (Jul 8, 2013)
- NEW: upgraded to Themify Builder (read this post and documentation for more details)
Version 1.1.6 (Jun 5, 2013)
- Cleaned up sample content
- Upgraded to framework 1.3.8
- Query posts now can query by category slug (or ID, if entered manually)
Files updated
- style.css
- page.php
- sample-content.xml
- /themify/
Version 1.1.5 (May 13, 2013)
- Added new wrapper for page content, id page-##, class type-page
- Fixed fullscreen image galleries in pages
- Upgraded to framework 1.3.7
Files updated
- style.css
- page.php
- /themify/
Version 1.1.4 (May 7, 2013)
- Fixed bug that could prevent Photoswipe from starting
Files updated
- style.css
- theme-functions.php
Version 1.1.3 (May 3, 2013)
- Lightbox Link now includes a checkbox to open the link in an iframe and a checkbox to add a zoom icon
- Zoom icon is no longer added automatically by JS
Files added
Files updated
- style.css
- loop.php
- theme-modules.php
- theme-functions.php
- theme-options.php
- js/themify.script.js
Version 1.1.2 (Apr 24, 2013)
- Fixed Post Navigation issue in styling options
- Upgraded to framework 1.3.4
Files updated
- style.css
- theme-config.php
- /themify/
Version 1.1.1 (Apr 17, 2013)
- New data structure. Requires data migration from user.
- New control to exclude Open graph tags output
- New markup for author box based on microdata
- New filters for comment date and time: themify_comment_date, themify_comment_time
- New filter to override URL used for logo: themify_logo_home_url
- Added #loops-wrapper ID, useful for Jetpack's infinite scroll.
- Updated styling for WP Gallery
- Removed all box-shadow and border-radius vendor prefixes
- Updated sample-content.xml
- Upgraded to framework 1.3.3
Files updated
- style.css
- media-queries.css
- theme-functions.php
- theme-modules.php
- functions.php
- page.php
- index.php
- header.php
- footer.php
- includes/author-box.php
- includes/loop.php
- sample-content.xml
- /themify/
- /skins/
Files added
- theme-config.php
Files deleted
- theme-config.xml
Version 1.1.0 (Dec 28, 2012)
Upgraded to framework 1.2.8
Version 1.0.9 (Dec 27, 2012)
Upgraded to framework 1.2.7 (Social Widget added)
Files updated
- style.css
- theme-conf
ig.xml - theme-func
tions.php - theme-modu
les.php - theme-opti
Version 1.0.8 (Dec 13, 2012)
Fixed featured image upload button in WP 3.5
Files updated
- style.css
- themify folder
Version 1.0.7 (Nov 26, 2012)
- Fixed image width and height input in the slider option panel
Files updated
- style.css
- includes/slider.php
Version 1.0.6 (Nov 7, 2012)
Note: this update is a major reconstruction of all our themes. Please read this post before upgrading.
- Upgraded to framework 1.2.2
- Added sidebar registration ID (please backup your widget settings before upgrading: read this post)
- Added hooks
- Cleaned up all template files
- Bug fixes
Version 1.0.5 (Jun 15, 2012)
- Upgraded framework to 1.2.6
Files updated
- style.css
- theme-config.xml
- theme-functions.php
- theme-modules.php
- themify folder
Version 1.0.4 (Apr 13, 2012)
- Changed main navigation to mobile friendly.
Files updated
- style.css
- header.php
- media-queries.css
- js/themify.script.js
- images/menu-icon.png
- images/search-icon.png
Version 1.0.3 (Mar 5, 2012)
- Fixed issues with Phototouch translation.
- The viewport meta tag is now applied from a function hooked to wp_head.
- Conditional comments that included scripts to enable media queries and HTML 5 in older browsers are now applied from a function hooked to wp_head.
- Modified the way the main query is handled in page.php template.
- Fixed issue where the comment disabling interfered with author box displaying.
Updated files
- header.php
- index.php
- page.php
- style.css
- theme-functions.php
- theme-modules.php
Version 1.0.2 (Feb 1, 2012)
- Fixed bug in IE8 with Photoswipe where images weren't shown in full size in the Photoswipe gallery.
- Modified Photoswipe checks if a <span> element is present in the gallery.
- Files updated:
- style.css
- js/jquery.photoswipe.js
Version 1.0.1 (Jan 30, 2012)
- Modified Photoswipe fixes issue when title wasn't shown in gallery.
- Files updated:
- style.css
- js/jquery.photoswipe.js
Version 1.0.0 (Jan 5, 2012)
- First release
Read this tutorial on how to upgrade your theme.