
Sneak Peak: Builder v4

We are now in the final stages of the development and testing of the brand new Builder V4! We're so excited about the release that we've decided to make a sneak peak video demo showcasing its cool new features! The demo includes some of the following features:

  • New User Interface: The new interface provides a better user experience. You've got to watch the demo video to see it for yourself!
  • Input Slider: Allows you to drag various styling input options (ie. padding, margin, font size) like a slider and see it applied live on your site.
  • Row Drag Zooming: When moving and rearranging rows, your screen zooms out of the preview window for a better view.
  • Resize-able Responsive Preview Window - Now you can change the size of the preview window when editing using the responsive styling. Allowing you to edit more accurately for various types of mobile or tablet devices.
  • Row Frame Styling - Decorate row or column edges with a preset frame or a custom SVG.
  • Live Edit Layout Part - This useful feature allows you to edit Layout Parts on the spot without having to open a lightbox or be redirected to another page.

We're so excited to introduce the new Builder V4 and can't wait for you all to begin building even more beautiful sites with it! It's definitely going to change the way you create and design your online presence!

Beta Testing Sign Up

If you want to be one of the first few to try out this new version, enter your name and email address in the beta testing subscription form below. Once we have the beta version ready, you will receive a notification.

* indicates required

Beta Version Available

UPDATE: A stable beta version is available for testing. Please follow the instructions below to install the beta version:

  • Download & install the Themify Beta theme. WARNING: Please DO NOT install the beta version on your live site (install it as a test site). If you have previously installed it, just go to the Themify panel to auto update it (or go to Themify > Updates, click "Reinstall Theme")
  • Then go to Themify > Settings > Theme Settings -> Script Minification, disable minification and minified files: (screenshot)
  • Now have fun with the new beta version!
  • If you encounter any issues, feel free to report it in this post's comment form.


  1. Adnan U.
    Jun 22, 2018 @ 17:45



  2. Milan Mihajlov
    Jun 22, 2018 @ 23:16

    Can’t wait to update my websites with the new framework :). Awesome!


  3. Piotr
    Jun 23, 2018 @ 11:18

    I love what you do.
    I did not find a better builder. This one is the best.


  4. sotomedia
    Jun 23, 2018 @ 19:19

    Where is the v3? Skipped?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 25, 2018 @ 19:55

      Thanks for pointing this out. Our framework is currently on v3+, so the next big jump is v4. Note that the Builder plugin version is different than the framework because we release it separately. We will match the Builder plugin version to v4 as well for this release.


  5. Bianca
    Jun 23, 2018 @ 20:59

    Awesome, I can´t wait :D


    • Greg
      Jun 26, 2018 @ 06:25

      When will this be out of Beta?


      • Nick @ Themify
        Jun 26, 2018 @ 17:57

        The beta version was out. We’ve released it yesterday. You can download it here: After you install it, please go to Themify > Settings > Theme Settings -> Script Minification and disable the minify and Builder cache.


        • Elle
          Jul 19, 2018 @ 09:17

          I think you may have misunderstood Greg, Nick.

          He said when will this be out OF Beta not when it will be out AS beta. He’s asking when it will be released as a stable version – not when the beta version will be released. It’s only a teeny word difference, but it changes the whole question. Hope that helps xx
          PS: You’ve now changed my day completely. So much to do – yet I’ll be playing with v4 instead. Dammit! :o)


  6. Resultwa
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 07:35

    I am happy with this new update. Front end editing became much more easy.
    Please also add background image opacity option.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 25, 2018 @ 19:57

      Don’t think there is opacity property in CSS background-image (will double check that with our developers). What you can do is add a semi-transparent row overlay to fake row background image opacity.


  7. Mark Hultgren
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 13:13

    Awesome! Will make building beautiful sites even easier than before!


  8. Michael Hudault
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 13:21

    Ultra :-) Can’t wait to Beta-test it!


  9. Adam Dereszkiewicz
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 13:24

    Excellent! Really looking fwd to it :)


  10. Bill
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 13:38

    That is really exciting. I hope this gets out of Beta as fast as possible.


  11. Elle Draper
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 13:50

    Loving this! Can’t wait to get stuck in.


  12. Gary Foster
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 14:26

    Your interactive features are making a website natural and intuitive to both design and use!


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 25, 2018 @ 19:58

      Thank you! We’ve been working very hard for this version. It is going to be our best release ever.


  13. Nijin Ganga
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 18:48



  14. nope
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 19:34

    Really? Playing mind numbing music in the background instead of using a voice over to describe the product? That”s something i would expect from a you tube noob, not from a professional company. Even if your product is top notch that demo is enough to make me turn away.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 25, 2018 @ 22:11

      Thank you for your feedback, Mr. Nope. We intentionally did the video without voice over to drive user’s curiosity and anticipation.


  15. Jason Git
    Jun 25, 2018 @ 21:42


    You guys are amazing!!

    Quick request: Can you make it so that we don’t have to log in for every plugin update? …possibly like a “check it once a week” type of thing? …or once a day at the very least. Whenever I do updates, it takes like 15 times longer because I have to login for each of your plugins.

    Keep being the best!!


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 25, 2018 @ 22:05

      We are working on that. Will make that as one of our next major improvements.


  16. banks dada
    Jun 26, 2018 @ 04:32

    Is there any beta testing going on. Happy to get involved and provide feedback on this exciting phase


  17. Furisto
    Jun 26, 2018 @ 09:14

    Finally there it is: ROW FRAME STYLING – thanx in advance! I spent hours to create section/row separators via CSS (before/after elements)… Let’s do it faster then :-) Unfortunately your solution via SVG will not work with all browser :-/


  18. Michael Hudault
    Jun 26, 2018 @ 10:48

    Wow Wow Wow! Beta invitation came today – it’s a GAME CHANGER. I love it!!! Thank you so much Themify!


  19. john pinkerton
    Jun 26, 2018 @ 11:19

    Tried installing the new builder but cannot activate the builder. Just adds a “#” to the URL

    The HTML shows: Turn On Builder


  20. Jerry de Brabander
    Jun 26, 2018 @ 11:57

    Very nice! When would this release be publish?


    • Jerry de Brabander
      Jun 30, 2018 @ 12:39


      When will this release coming out?


  21. Joachim
    Jun 26, 2018 @ 15:42

    Wow this is amazing!!! I really hope it’s coming out soon.


  22. Taylor Neilson
    Jun 28, 2018 @ 16:31

    This is why I upgraded my account. :)


  23. Minh Hiếu
    Jul 02, 2018 @ 05:46

    Nice! i’m waiting for the builder publish.


  24. Godswill Ogbuwa
    Jul 04, 2018 @ 03:22

    Please kindly redesign the menu drop down styling and add shadow options for links and elements if possible..cant wait to see what i can do with those SVG….nice one..big thumbs up


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jul 04, 2018 @ 19:25

      You are right. We’ve been missing out the box-shadow and border-radius (rounded corners) styling options. Will log that.


  25. Emma Gibson
    Jul 06, 2018 @ 13:27

    Wow this is amazing!!! Looking forward for Beta version


  26. Gorki
    Jul 12, 2018 @ 15:55

    Its Amazing! I believe in Themify Team…! We are in a perfect way! Hugs from Ecuador.


  27. Jennifer Roberts
    Jul 13, 2018 @ 08:00

    Just Amazing, Eagerly waiting for this beta version.


  28. Noz
    Jul 13, 2018 @ 21:33

    Only question in mind, Dynamic content support?


  29. Adam
    Jul 16, 2018 @ 15:08

    Noticed that when I use custom svg for top/bottom frame – it gets reversed (upside down)… so I actually had to upload it’s reversed version to get desired result ;)


  30. Andrzej Zaborowski
    Jul 18, 2018 @ 09:56

    Is it known already when there will be a stable version available for everyone?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jul 18, 2018 @ 17:34

      The stable beta version is available (read the “Beta Version” in this post). We are doing final testing with all themes and addons. If everything goes well, v4 will be released next week.


  31. Terry Remy
    Jul 19, 2018 @ 18:03

    How do I set the Row to full width and the column to default? Also can I move around the columns?



    • Nick @ Themify
      Jul 19, 2018 @ 23:03

      To set row width options: hover the row > hover the row action button > click “Row Options”, then set the row width.


  32. Terry Remy
    Jul 19, 2018 @ 18:37

    BTW shortcodes not working with the beta version


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jul 19, 2018 @ 23:02

      Which shortcodes? If it is Themify Shortcodes, you need to install the Themify Shortcodes plugin.


  33. Fidel Salazar
    Jul 21, 2018 @ 15:26

    Installation went fine but when trying to update to Framework version 3.5.9 gave me next error in both admin panel and website:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: TB_alert_Module::$texts in /home4/digitalh/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home4/digitalh/public_html/ TB_alert_Module->__construct() #1 /home4/digitalh/public_html/ Themify_Builder_Model::register_module(‘TB_alert_Module’) #2 /home4/digitalh/public_html/ require_once(‘/home4/digitalh…’) #3 /home4/digitalh/public_html/ Themify_Builder_Component_Module::load_modules(”) #4 /home4/digitalh/public_html/ W in /home4/digitalh/public_html/ on line 10


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jul 23, 2018 @ 03:08

      Did you update the Themify framework via Themify Beta theme? Basically it puts the old framework in the Beta that caused this problem. Could you try to reinstall the Themify Beta theme again?


      • Pauline
        Aug 08, 2018 @ 04:39

        How can we reinstall the beta theme again if im unable to access the admin panel?


        • Nick @ Themify
          Aug 08, 2018 @ 23:55

          Please switch to the latest Themify Ultra theme as we already released the update.


          • Chris Wilcox
            Aug 10, 2018 @ 16:11

            It would be great to know how to fix this. I have this on my test site after updating to the new framework. I can’t get the old version of builder to install to get back to my blog/admin panel? I am all up to date with builder and Metro theme but not getting any help on the forum either. Keep getting told to give you admin access to WP but I can’t because of this error

          • Nick @ Themify
            Aug 14, 2018 @ 01:11

            Hi Chris,

            Sorry to hear about this. If you can’t access your admin, please follow this tutorial to reinstall the latest version with a FTP software: Don’t downgrade it back to the old version. We will help you to resolve any issue related to the new version.

  34. Angelika
    Jul 21, 2018 @ 18:05

    All very nice. But when will you finally change the update process from manual to automatic?


  35. Matt
    Jul 24, 2018 @ 20:02

    Looks fantastic, but how is the load time? Does this builder version include performance improvements to load faster?


  36. Davi
    Jan 22, 2019 @ 10:49

    What are beta versions that are paid like other products?


  37. Sukar
    Nov 29, 2019 @ 01:32

    when it will be released as a stable version?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Nov 29, 2019 @ 04:17


      It has been released a while ago. The latest version is stable.

