12 Oct 2018
Builder Addons Now Bundled Together! Value of $245 for $39!
A change that won’t come as a surprise to most of you will have our addons no longer available for purchase individually, but now as a bundle – cleverly named the Addon Bundle.
For many of you who are familiar with the pricing models of most WordPress theme providers, you’ll know that selling addons individually is a trend going out of style faster than crimped hair. It’s a change that will make everyone's lives a lot simpler (so you are not dealing with multiple purchases and license keys), and actually offers the best value for customers.
Addons can range between $10 to $15, EACH. With 24 current addons and counting (a value of $245), you can now purchase the Addon Bundle for one low price of $39!
For those that have already purchased individual addons - no worries! They won’t be magically disappearing. We will, however, honour any purchases made within the last 60 days and you can be eligible to upgrade by paying the difference. Please reach out to us using our contact form!