
Mission Pagespeed: Beta Version Now Available!

Mission Pagespeed: Beta Version Now Available!

We are very happy to receive the positive feedback from the Mission Pagespeed we announced two weeks ago. Today we are releasing the Beta version of the Pagespeed framework. As stated in our previous post, our goal is to make all Themify themes to score A+ on Google Pagespeed Insights. Since Ultra is our flagship theme, we are using it as the base for the Beta version. We've been testing it on many different demo sites. All of them return 90+ Google Pagespeed score including sites with WooCommerce. Here is your opportunity to try the Beta and let us know your Pagespeed score.

How to install the Beta version:

  • Download the (save it as a zip file)
  • Login to your site WP-admin > Appearance > Themes, click "Add new", upload the and then activate it
  • Deactivate all Builder addons if you have any
  • IMPORTANT: Go to Themify > Settings > Theme Settings -> Performance & Minified Scripts, check the "Disable minified scripts" and "Enable Webp convert" option. The minified scripts need to be disabled as it is not final yet.

Themify Beta - Disable Minified Scripts

WARNING: Please do not use the Beta version on your live site as it is not finalized yet. We recommend that you use it on a test/staging site only. The Beta version requires the new versions of all the Builder addons which we haven't released yet. If you have the old addons activated, please disable them. The new version also doesn't work with the old child themes. If you have customized any custom PHP templates in child theme, please deactivate the child theme. The child theme templates need to be re-coded on the final release.

How to check Google Pagespeed on your site:

  • After you have the Beta version installed and have some pages created with the Builder
  • Go to Google's PageSpeed Insights, enter your site URL and click "Analyze"
  • It will give you the pagespeed report, the higher the score the better

Bug Report & Feedback

If you encounter any issues or bugs, feel free to contact us or comment on this blog post below. This update was possible with the help of all of our hardworking developers, as well as all of you! Because of your continued support, we have been able to keep making Themify better and better. Thank you!


  1. ivan sanchez
    Mar 23, 2020 @ 14:31

    Have I a query, I have my website already created with Ultra, at the end of its testing will it affect improving the speed of a site already created with Ultra?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Mar 23, 2020 @ 16:36

      If your site is built with Ultra, you just need to switch the theme to Themify Beta. Then go disable the minified scripts and enable Webp image option. You should see a significant jump on Pagespeed score. As a reminder, please use this Beta version on staging or test site only as it is not final.


  2. Alex
    Mar 23, 2020 @ 14:43

    Hey, when do you plan to bring out the update to all live Ultra sites? Since I do not want to reupload a beta theme to all of my current sites running with ultra.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Mar 23, 2020 @ 16:38

      It should take a month or 2 for the final release. We need to re-code a lot of stuffs in all themes and Builder addons to work with the new framework.


  3. Rose Bowen
    Mar 23, 2020 @ 14:51

    Installed it just now on a live site as a test and got a critical wordpress error, couldn’t view front side, so switched back to ultra. Already had the box checked for disabling minified scripts, but there was nothing about webp in the settings anywhere I could find. Didn’t have any builder plugins on the site, so that wasn’t a factor.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Mar 23, 2020 @ 22:16

      If you don’t mind, could you send the site URL and the details to us: We will take a look.


      • Brendan
        Mar 24, 2020 @ 00:31

        I had the same issue.


        • Dragos Marinescu
          Apr 13, 2020 @ 05:39

          Same for me. If there is a fix could anyone please post here? Thanks.


  4. Steve Biese
    Mar 23, 2020 @ 15:47

    Tried to install it on a test site and got the following message:
    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the plugin…

    The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.

    Plugin installation failed.

    (Note: Just to be clear, the website below is our live website. NOT the test site.) It wasn’t exactly clear as to what site you wanted.)


    • Nick @ Themify
      Mar 23, 2020 @ 16:39

      Hi Steve,

      Please install it as a theme. According to your error message, you’ve attempted to install as a plugin.


  5. Makio
    Mar 23, 2020 @ 18:19

    Is this for every theme? including Elemin?

    I’m hoping I don’t have to redo my entire custom coding work and all that type of stuff though, including all hook information?

    I’m not sure I have the ability to do that anymore, even if I wanted to.

    But this looks really great.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Mar 23, 2020 @ 22:19

      This pagespeed framework will be available in all themes. The content and settings are saved separately in the database, so they won’t be affected. If your custom code is added via child theme or plugins, they should be ok. Before you update the theme, it is recommended to run a test on a staging site first.


  6. Gabriel
    Mar 27, 2020 @ 01:35

    Hi there! I usually get 99/desktop and 85-90/mobile in Google Pagespeed with Themify’s Builder installed in Twenty Twenty WordPress theme running on a small VPS, no one can do that but Themify, you develop the best visual builder by far. Now I’d like to reach 99 on mobile just with the Builder, will the new features (webp, or others) integrated in builder or just in Ultra theme? my website Thanks in advance!


    • Nick @ Themify
      Mar 27, 2020 @ 22:53

      Glad to hear that. Currently we are focusing on Ultra and Shoppe theme first. Will be slowly improving the other popular themes.


  7. Muhammad Ahmer Siddiqui
    Mar 28, 2020 @ 12:07

    Wow I love this site.


  8. svends1
    Mar 29, 2020 @ 12:12

    Just installed Themify-Beta and disabled all builder plugins and modules.

    Unfortunately I don’t get the “Enable Webp convert” checkbox.
    I ony see “Disable minified scripts (css/js files)” and “Enable Gzip scripts (recommended)” checkboxes.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Mar 30, 2020 @ 20:13

      Please make sure you have the latest version of Themify Beta theme. If you don’t see those options as appear on our screenshot, it means you are not using the latest Beta version.


  9. Minh Hieu
    Apr 01, 2020 @ 17:34

    I hope you can put these features into a plugin instead of a theme. I love it.


    • Nick @ Themify
      Apr 02, 2020 @ 22:21

      Glad you like it. Pagespeed is mainly due to theme rendering (ie. it is the theme that renders the whole page, not the plugin). So it is not possible to achieve this via a plugin.


  10. Sahaj Takneek
    Apr 02, 2020 @ 17:05

    Is builder pro compatible with this beta version?


  11. asger daugberg
    Apr 03, 2020 @ 12:14

    Why webp and not progressive Jpeg? Isn’t Chrome (and Opera) the only browser to support webp? Does your solution show the “original” format in other browsers?


  12. nomlogo
    Apr 07, 2020 @ 13:16

    Does it support nginx?


  13. prashant dupare
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 14:46

    Compatible with stack theme?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Apr 13, 2020 @ 18:38

      Yes, all themes will be upgraded with the new Pagespeed framework (when they release).


  14. Ban Sharma
    Apr 26, 2020 @ 10:36

    Will it work with cache plugin or have to disable them


    • Nick @ Themify
      May 01, 2020 @ 02:59

      It will work with other cache plugins.


      • Ban sharma
        May 02, 2020 @ 19:36

        Thank you for your feedback, Nick!


  15. Davi
    Apr 29, 2020 @ 15:28

    I read from some of the comments above, there are still some problems, i think it’s still not ready 100% if to be used on the main web.
    so i will waiting the themify beta until final and ready to use in main web :)


  16. Tyler Brooks
    May 01, 2020 @ 17:44

    Love the idea of this. Any idea when it will move from Beta to deployment?


  17. kissofpaint
    May 20, 2020 @ 05:35

    Hey guys,

    Any news on mission pagespeed?



  18. Frits
    May 28, 2020 @ 21:19

    The last beta release was in March. Any news on the progress?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 01, 2020 @ 17:32

      It is coming along. We are still fine tuning the code and need to make some adjustments as Google Pagespeed Insights has changed their algorithm recently.


  19. Victor
    Jun 26, 2020 @ 16:44

    Any news on that? It has been almost another month since last response. When will Shoppe and Ultra be available with the new framework? Will it be mentioned somewhere in the customer area?


    • Nick @ Themify
      Jun 29, 2020 @ 02:37

      We are working hard on it. An updated beta of Ultra and Shoppe should be available soon.


  20. rmvanlamoen
    Jul 27, 2020 @ 11:41

    Great update and announcement guys! can’t wait to test it out. This is something i’ve been wondering about for a long time at themify

