
Themify Is Ready For WordPress Gutenberg!

Themify Is Ready For WordPress Gutenberg!

As you may have heard, Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor, is getting ready to launch with WordPress 5.0. Gutenberg is set to replace the current visual editor at the core of WordPress. From the backend coding to the frontend user interface, Gutenberg is a big change. Since it is a completely new tool, there are compatibility concerns in the WordPress community (ie. ensuring existing themes and plugins work with the new editor). Over the last month, we've been working hard to prepare all Themify themes as well as our Builder to work well with Gutenberg. Today we are excited to announce the Gutenberg compatibility feature. Get ready for the next major WordPress release!

What is Gutenberg

For those who have no idea what Gutenberg is, we'd like to give you a brief introduction. Gutenberg is a WordPress Editor  that allows users to create content without code, and is currently available to download as a plugin. Gutenberg will eventually merge and replace the current WordPress editor. You can download it now and experience the next major WordPress interface change. With Gutenberg editor, content is managed with blocks (text, heading, audio, image, gallery, etc.). You can arrange blocks by clicking on the arrows or drag & drop.

Gutenberg interface

Before & After

In the current version of WordPress and Themify, the Builder content is represented as a badge in the visual editor. You can add content before or after the Builder badge in the editor.

Before Gutenberg

Gutenberg compatibility has already released in all latest Themify themes and the Builder plugin. Now in the latest version, if Gutenberg is present, the Builder content is represented as a block. You can insert Gutenberg blocks before/after the Builder block. Themify works with the latest Gutenberg editor yet provides backward compatibility. For those who prefer the old visual editor, they can install the Classic Editor plugin.

With Gutenberg

Questions & Concerns

Should you have any concerns or questions about Gutenberg and Themify, feel free to post it in the comments below or contact us directly.


  1. Rob
    May 02, 2018 @ 13:12

    This is good news. I was genuinely concerned for a while that I’d have to fix all my sites.


  2. Stephanie Takes-Desbiens
    May 02, 2018 @ 13:25

    So, I don’t do anything fancy with my blog, will Gutenberg still behave like a normal editor or will my entire site have to be redone?


    • Nick @ Themify
      May 02, 2018 @ 14:51

      No, you shouldn’t have to redo anything for Gutenberg update. If prefer the old editor, you can download their Classic Editor plugin.


  3. Donald McKenzie
    May 02, 2018 @ 14:02

    Good update. Thank you!


  4. Luis
    May 02, 2018 @ 15:40

    And is ready for standard updates and integration with plugins like ManageWP?


  5. Bill
    May 02, 2018 @ 15:47

    Are there any compatibility issues with other products (such as Woocommerce)?


    • Nick @ Themify
      May 02, 2018 @ 16:34

      Since WooCommerce is a third party plugin, we are unsure if there any compatibility issues between Gutenberg and WooCommerce.


      • D D
        Sep 04, 2018 @ 05:11

        Actually, WooCommerce is not a third party plugin. WooCommerce By Automattic.


  6. Thomas Pitts
    May 02, 2018 @ 16:37

    Will themes made with the old Flow be compatible too?


    • Kurt @ Themify
      May 02, 2018 @ 16:45

      It should work. However, please do note that we’ve discontinued Flow sometime ago ( and at the moment we’re no longer providing any development updates for it.


      • Thomas Pitts
        May 04, 2018 @ 14:11

        I know it is discontinued, but at the moment I can’t find a theme that replicates the style I want. Thanks.


  7. Eugene
    May 02, 2018 @ 16:38

    Thx for updating everything and for being in touch with your comunity


  8. Israel A
    May 02, 2018 @ 16:43

    Cool, thank’s Themify:)


  9. Fernando
    May 03, 2018 @ 19:37

    Soy novato y estoy a prendiendo. Voy haciendo mi web poco a poco y ahora con esto me he preocupado un poco. ¿tendré que empezar desde cero o no?. Utilizo ULTRA ¿habrá algún problema? y por ultimo ¿tanto va a cambiar la forma de trabajar con wordpress?.

    Un saludo.


    • Nick @ Themify
      May 03, 2018 @ 23:55

      Don’t worry, all Themify themes work with the current WordPress and the new upcoming Gutenberg release.


  10. John Teichert
    May 04, 2018 @ 16:40

    I got a ‘413 Request Entity Too Large’ error in my browser when I attempted to install this plugin. Is there something that I’m doing wrong?


  11. Elio
    May 05, 2018 @ 21:32

    Fantastic news Nick! This is really awesome!


  12. Tom @ TEA Websites
    May 14, 2018 @ 11:04

    Excellent news!
    What a relief


  13. Herb
    Sep 07, 2018 @ 09:34

    Think twice before supporting Gutenberg…

    @photomatt: “Gutenberg will definitely be a whole-page builder, that’s the entire point of phase 2. All of the infrastructure is built to support that, so it will happen much faster than phase 1.”


  14. Paul Morgan
    Dec 07, 2018 @ 02:23

    Fantastic news! We use Themify on our site and were concerned about this.


  15. Michael Wright
    Dec 18, 2018 @ 22:22

    Sorry guys – I really don’t see any benefits with this.

    The whole point of builder is, err, building pages. Gutenberg will just result in excessively coded pages, surely?


    • Hassan @ Themify
      Dec 21, 2018 @ 21:00

      Gutenberg is the future of WordPress. As I understand it right now classic editor is still supported in WP however eventually that is going away; so this compatibility update is essential going forward.

      Also Gutenberg will not add extra markup to the page, if you’re using Builder to build pages, you can continue to do so, it works just as before.


  16. Greg TheC
    Dec 19, 2018 @ 21:35

    Is it me? When creating a new post, with the “Classic Editor” enabled, I lose Themify Builder. The only way to see builder in a post or page is to disable the Classic Editor plug-in or update the status to Draft, Pending Review or Published. Thoughts?


    • Csaba @ Themify
      Dec 21, 2018 @ 18:42

      Hi Greg,

      Please post your issue to Support Forum: we can help you there with your issue(s).


  17. Humberto
    Feb 02, 2019 @ 04:50

    Herimos using themify shope last versión, on WordPress 5.0.3.
    When i try to write a post mixing blocs of text of Gutenberg, And pictures of themify, un the builther is no problem, i save. But when i refresh, al themify text is up and the pics are down. ( text are Gutenberg builder) and pics are themify un doing this waterpolo, because YOAST dont reconigce text in themify Builder just in Gutenberg. Many people besides me have the same problem.


  18. Csaba @ Themify
    Feb 02, 2019 @ 20:16

    Hi Humberto,

    Unfortunately you can’t mix Themify Builder Content with Gutenberg Blocks, the Builder is a separate content area on your Pages / Posts, you can only add Gutenberg Blocks above the Builder Content.

    Yoast SEO works fine for us, it recognizes Builder content, in case on your website it isn’t working, please post about this issue on our Support Forum: or contact us via email: so we can troubleshoot this issue on your website.


  19. Brad Tidwell
    Jun 28, 2019 @ 02:20

    Is there a way to disable the Gutenberg block for the Themify Builder? I want to keep Themify builder for the main pages, but my client wants to use the native Gutenberg blog format for the posts, and it’s not immediately apparent how to add a block of text below the Builder block. Thank you!


    • Beto
      Jun 28, 2019 @ 03:34

      Yes there is a plugin, that help u to do that.

      You need to search in the most used plugins i dont remember right now the name. Maybe i disable guthemberg or somthing like that


      • Brad Tidwell
        Jun 28, 2019 @ 19:08

        I’m not trying to disable Gutenberg, I just don’t want the Themify Builder block in the Gutenberg Editor…


  20. Humberto
    Jun 28, 2019 @ 03:35

    The name of the plugin is Classic editor

